Monday, October 19, 2015

WP Article: "The education-reform movement is too white to do any good"

Not a politically correct title.  Read it anyway. 

Excellent essay that explains clearly why we should partner with communities BEFORE planning changes.  Positive long-term change comes from partnering with a community instead of doing unto a community.

"The education-reform movement is too white to do any good" from The Washington Post.

Reminds me of this empassioned plea from Trustee Nutall when the bond plan was being presented at the Board Meeting on June 25, 2015.

[After listing a lot of school and community groups that have been actively meeting about how to address needs at their schools. Video time-stamp 139:25]
“The community has been meeting… So when you say you are going to go back to the community and see what the community wants, there are already [groups]… that are meeting with parents.. that are talking about solutions… I don’t see that in this plan. I see us putting here, like you keep saying ‘We’re gonna go to the community,’ and I’m telling you – meet with the people that are meeting now. And they will tell you the vision that they have for their children.
Include them in this. I’m asking you that as a Trustee… this ‘parental leadership’ style is killing me, telling us what’s best for us when we can tell you solutions to our problems. Include us in that solution! [Lists schools and groups in South Dallas and Pleasant Grove.]
I’m just asking the administration to sit with them, and talk and listen. Don’t come and bring something and say ‘This is what’s best for you.’ And we can work together on a solution, for our children.”

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