The current struggle to provide an excellent education to all children reminds me of making bricks without straw. To further demoralize the situation, the two biggest groups working at the forefront seem to be constantly demonizing the other.
Two epic opponents are actually talking civilly and finding common ground!
Longtime ed writer Jay Mathews wrote this article about it the Washington Post. It's a great article, worth the read. Mr. Mathews expressed affection for both proponents, and the hope springing out of his article is lovely. Here's what happened:
Whitney Tilson, after recognizing that he and his nemisis Daine Ravitch shared the same views on other national topics, came to this realization:
How is it that two well-informed people can agree on so much in almost all areas, yet apparently disagree on so much in one area (ed reform)? Is it possible that we agree on more than we think?
So he thought about it, and emailed her a list of education topics he hoped they might potentially agree on. That email turned into two more, and turns out they both DO have more in common than they thought.
THIS is how to be a great example to our students. This is how we find a workable path to sustainable solutions.
Thank you, Mr. Tilson and Dr. Ravitch!!!
They each posted all three email discussions as three separate posts on their websites. Below are links to the first one:
After years of intentionally not getting into the fray of politics, I've finally jumped in with both feet. I am an enthusiastic volunteer on the Audrey Pinkerton Campaign!
What made me break my neutrality? Two things: The Imagine2020 eulogy at the March Board Briefing, and EducateDallas.
I'll explain those, but first let me say that I think Audrey is a wonderful candidate. She was raised in DISD, raised her kids in DISD, has poured her time, talent and treasure into DISD - and she has a stellar resume. And, she thinks consensus is possible! Can you believe it? Heart, head and soul - the perfect candidate.
Now back to my two epiphany moments:
The Imagine2020 Eulogy
You can view the full eulogy in the video. Starts at 1:37:53 and lasts until 2:42:00. It is delivered in the midst of the annual "how we are going to close the achievement gap" discussion, so the comments on Imagine2020 wander in and out.
So here's my beef with this. Nowhere did anyone acknowledge, "Wow, Bernadette - this is exactly what you warned us about" or " Gee, Joyce - maybe we shouldn't have been so hard on you." No acknowledgement whatsoever.It was instead, "You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can't execute it, it will fail" and idioms like that.
To their credit, neither Ms. Nutall or Ms. Foreman said "I told you so." Instead, from Ms. Foreman to Sup. Dr. Hinojosa, regarding his decision to end Imagine2020:
I think it's a great idea to look at programs, understand programs, and if they're not working, have the courage to get rid of them. Have the courage to get rid of them, because people pushed those programs... I appreciate that.
In the last few years, the only Trustee who ever seemed to take Ms. Foreman and Ms. Nutall seriously was Elizabeth Jones. Once she began to listen to them, she immediately began to be marginalized by the very groups who funded her campaign.
After watching Board meetings for seven years, I am fed up with seeing the South Dallas Trustees demonized and ignored over and over and over.
How can you close the achievement gap between white and black students when you intentionally ignore black Trustees? You can't.
Audrey Pinkerton wants to work for consensus. Her opponent has big cash donations from some who expect him to play by the 5-vote rule*. Which leads me to...
EducateDallas PAC
EducateDallas PAC is supported by the Dallas Regional Chamber and some of their members. It was created with the mission to work "to elect high-quality candidates to the Dallas ISD Board of Trustees." (from their website 4-13-16)
Educate Dallas didn't even wait until the deadline for candidates to register passed before beginning their endorsement process. Could it be because they'd already groomed and lined up their own candidates? I think so.
That was frustrating to learn. But what really set me off, what made me deeply, deeply angry was this: Right off the bat, the endorsement committee asked Audrey Pinkerton: So, is it true you lobbied for Joyce Foreman to be Board President?
(me) - REALLY?! With the needs our students have, that's your question?!
Where are the grown ups in the room?!!!
*Every big decision that comes to the board is preordained to pass because nothing comes before the board unless there are already 5 votes for it. So everything gets rubber stamped. Groups who lobby the board spend their time counting up to five. Nobody cares - not in a real way - about consensus, or finding common goals, or actually listening to the Cassandra voice of dissent. And kids make negative progress. And 2/3 of our teachers leave. And $96M is wasted on failed programs.